
Order List
<% let i = 1; list.forEach(function(order) { %> <% if (order.status === 'Cancelled' || order.status === 'Rejected') { %> <% }else if (order.status === 'Delivered') { %> <% }else if (order.status === 'Out For Delivery') { %> <% }else if (order.status === 'Shipped') { %> <% }else if (order.status === 'Accepted') { %> <% }else if (order.status === 'Ready To Ship') { %> <% } else { %> <% } %> <% if (order.paymentStatus == 'Pending') { %> <% } else if (order.paymentStatus == 'Success') { %> <% } else if (order.paymentStatus == 'Failed') { %> <% } %> <% i++; }) %>
Order No Customer Name OrderDate Time Total Amount Order Status Payment Status Action
<%=order.orderNo%> <%=order?.customer?.fullName%> <%= moment(order.createdAt).format('DD MMM, YYYY hh:mm a')%> ₹ <%=order.total%><%= order.status %><%= order.status %><%= order.status %><%= order.status %><%= order.status %><%= order.status %><%= order.status %><%= order.paymentStatus %><%= order.paymentStatus %><%= order.paymentStatus %>
<% if (!list || list.length <1) { %>
Sorry! No Result Found

We've searched more than 150+ coupons We did not find any coupons for you search.

<% } %>
<% if (listCount > 0) { %>
Showing <% if (((currentPage - 1) * pageSize) + 1 == listCount) { %> <%= listCount %> <% } else { %> <%= ((currentPage - 1) * pageSize) + 1 %> to <%= currentPage == pageCount ? listCount : (currentPage * pageSize) %> <% } %> of <%= listCount %> entries
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  • <%= j %>
  • <% } else { %>
  • <%= j %>
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<% } %>